🌙Unlock the Power of Neuro-Manifesting with FST 🧠

Tired of manifestation methods that don't deliver? Discover Flow State Technique (FST), the revolutionary neuro-manifesting approach that harnesses the power of your brain and heart to create the reality you desire.

Grounded in neuroscience, quantum physics, and psychology, FST combines neuroplasticity training, hypnotherapy, and quantum jumping to rewire your brain for success and manifest your dreams with unparalleled clarity and ease.

Take control of your neurology, reprogram your mind for abundance, and become the architect of your reality – no guesswork or blind faith required.

Join "A Liquid Plan" and experience the transformative power of FST for yourself. Unlock your brain's full potential and manifest the life you've always dreamed of.

I'm ready to achieve my goals

Quantum Leap Your Manifestation Abilities

💡 Boost your productivity by up to 1,000%, allowing you to accomplish more in less time

🔮 Enhance your intuition and decision-making abilities, leading to better choices and outcomes

💪 Increase your confidence and self-esteem, empowering you to tackle bigger challenges

🎨 Unleash your creativity and innovation, helping you generate novel ideas and solutions

😊 Elevate your happiness and well-being, creating a deep sense of fulfillment and joy

Align with the Moon's Superior Cyclical Flow

If you're tired of feeling stuck, limited, or disconnected from your true potential, then it's time to take action and join the upcoming cohort of "A Liquid Plan."

This immersive 29.5-day journey, guided by the lunar cycle, will help you reprogram your subconscious mind, align your neurochemistry with your goals, and manifest your deepest desires with unparalleled ease and flow.

Through our carefully crafted curriculum, you'll learn how to intentionally create the conditions for flow in your daily life, allowing you to access peak performance and happiness on demand.

Embody Your Highest Potential

Our 25-minute "neuro-manifesting" exercises, grounded in the latest research in neuroscience and positive psychology, will help you:

🎯 Identify your unique flow triggers and create an environment that supports optimal performance

🧘‍♀️ Cultivate a mindset of curiosity, openness, and non-judgment, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the present moment

🌿 Develop the skills and strategies necessary to navigate challenges with grace and resilience

🤝 Connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals, all committed to unlocking their full potential through flow

Do you ever wonder why manifesting your goals feels so hard, despite all the techniques you've tried?

If you're ready to stop settling for a life that doesn't light you up and start manifesting your wildest dreams while operating at your absolute best, then "A Liquid Plan" is your golden ticket. But don't wait – we begin very soon, and I don't want you to miss out on this life-changing opportunity. Invest in yourself, your future, and your dreams today by clicking the link below and securing your spot in "A Liquid Plan." Your future self will thank you for taking this leap of faith and embracing the magic of Neuroscience Manifesting and the power of flow states.

"A Liquid Plan" isn't just another self-help program. It's a transformative experience that will shift your entire reality from the inside out. By the end of our 29.5 days together, you'll have:

💡 Clarified your Definite Chief Aim and aligned your actions with your true purpose

❌ Released limiting beliefs and patterns that have held you back for years

🌈 Tapped into the limitless potential of your subconscious mind

🔮 Manifested tangible, real-world results in your relationships, career, and personal growth

🎉 Celebrated your progress and cultivated a deep sense of gratitude and joy

🌊 Mastered the art of creating flow states on demand, unlocking peak performance and happiness

Step into a new way of living and creating

Are you ready to awaken your fullest ability to envision your desires, realize them at lightning speed, and embrace your role as the architect of your dreams and your life?

Spaces are limited. The doors close in:









"In two weeks, my business made what I normally make in one year. A Liquid Plan is PURE MAGIC!"

Valeria L.

"Before 'A Liquid Plan,' I felt like I was swimming against the tide. Now, I'm riding the wave! The cosmic insights and natural rhythms this program taps into have been a game-changer for me. It's not just about reaching goals; it's about aligning with the universe to make the journey joyful and effortless. A truly enlightening experience!"

Anonoymous Survey Participant

"Having gone through the 29.5 Day Liquid Plan… being diligent and committed has opened up so much for me! I felt like my creative portal was clogged and overwhelmed and now it’s just like “WHOOSH” and now it’s flowing easily and effortlessly as I allow it. What’s coming out is my GENIUS. I invented a new modality and am excited to bring it to the world!"

Trish N.

"While fueling your passion with being in flow, rather than in resistance, by taking aligned small steps with your desires, you can attain successes along the way that keep you going. This lunation cycle for me has been insightful and empowering, I have learned more about myself, uncovered a limiting belief, envisioned and manifested the right people to support me with my intention that I set when starting this moon cycle with the added energy of the solar eclipse for momentum. Also as a bonus, I have changed and seen things through a different lense, the situations that would have been a trigger have softened and do not have the same intensity of emotion as a response as in the past. Thus catapulting me to growing into a fuller more empowered version of myself. Thank you Anahata."

Kelly R.

"A Liquid Plan has definitely helped me be more confident to face issues with ease and grace. I have better relationships now by aligning with the natural rhythms of the moon! I've been able to declutter to make way for goodness and flow as I get closer to goals of mine… this is definitely the missing piece I've been searching for!"

Nance D.

"I've tried many personal growth programs, but 'A Liquid Plan' stands out. It has revolutionized the way I approach my goals, tapping into the power of cosmic rhythms. The results? More flow, less stress, and a clearer path to success. It's like having a secret weapon in your journey of manifestation!"

Anonoymous Survey Participant

"I am just amazed at how using the natural rhythm of the moon made the difference in how I feel during the lunar cycle but never understanding why. I'm still working on removing blocks, and limiting beliefs I didn't know I had. Now I have a system. It's not easy, but I am motivated, as going back to the old ways is not an option. Thank you Anahata."

Angella F.

"This has been an amazining experience, a liquid plan I sorely needed. My dream since I can remember is to build my own business, and this has given me the focus to put a plan on paper, and the courage and confidence to carry it out. Thank you - I have followed and done various courses over the years, your wisdom, humility and campassion is amazing."


"I can once again appreciate - & more fully - the very natural benefit of reconnecting into this side of my being at this time, the difference being I am now more balanced in doing so! I love the energy Holly (Anahata) brings to an ancient knowing with her modern investigation, inspiration & interpretation, from her very personal watery Pisces Moon perspective, casting a new & different light upon this very ancient knowing, in sharing her genius."

Catherine L.

Program Curriculum

A Liquid Plan is a 29.5-day journey that awakens your innate ability to quantum leap into your desired realities, manifest your dreams at lightning speed, and embrace your role as the sovereign creator of your multidimensional experience. Each day, you'll join Anahata Holly Hallowell for a 20-25 minute LIVE video lesson guiding you through her signature Quantum Jumping exercises, Liquid Lunar Lifestyle practices, and soul-aligned neuro-manifestation techniques that transform you step-by-step into a master of reality crafting. You'll have access to the replays, supplemental materials, activations, and recaps daily if you can't make it live. As you move through the program, you'll explore the cutting-edge science of parallel timelines and learn to consciously shift into the realities where your goals are already achieved. You'll experience profound identity shifts that align you with the frequency of your highest self and make manifesting your desires realistic and expected. And most importantly, in just 29.5 days, you'll step into a new way of being and creating: where you confidently flow with the currents of the universe, your every intention is supported by the fabric of reality itself, and even your wildest dreams become inevitable.

Meet Your Liquid Lunar Coach

Hey there, future Lunar Surfer!

Ready to ride the cosmic waves and turn your life into the masterpiece it's meant to be? I’m Holly Hallowell, award-winning international best-selling author and your guide on this wild ride to unlocking the universe's secrets and making them work for you. The game-changer is neuro-manifesting; using the power of your brain and heart to finally be a match to your goals. Not through sitting around meditating (althought that is part of FST) but by building new neurological pathways that set your GPS on a path to fruition using cutting edge science and the components of FST (Flow State Technique). Let me tell you a bit about why I'm the coach who's gonna help you catch those big, life-changing breaks.


Back in 2015, the universe hit me with a divine download so powerful it spun my world around and pointed me straight to my destiny. That's when I began channeling the Anahata Codes. Think of them as the secret handshake between the Law of Attraction and energy psychology. For the last decade, I've been on this incredible journey, sharing these Codes and watching amazing souls like you break free from the chains of "can't" and "impossible" and into "hell, yes! I'm actually doing it!"

As the Founder of the Alchemical Academy, I've created a virtual sanctuary where over 4,500 students have joined me on this quest of transformation. Our tribe of Manifesting Luminaries doesn't just learn; we manifest, grow, and sprinkle a little magic in our lives.

🌟 My Quest for the Truth Behind Manifesting lead me to discover a term I've coined "Neuro-Manifesting" and develop the Flow State Technique (FST) 🌟

As a lifelong seeker of personal growth and transformation, I've always been fascinated by the concept of manifestation. I've studied countless books, attended seminars, and tried every technique under the sun, from vision boards to affirmations to positive thinking. And while I experienced some success, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something missing – a key piece of the puzzle that would unlock the true power of manifestation.

That's when I embarked on a quest to uncover the truth behind manifesting. I dove deep into the realms of neuroscience, quantum physics, psychology, and ancient wisdom traditions, determined to find the common thread that tied them all together. What I discovered was nothing short of revolutionary – a new paradigm of manifestation that harnessed the power of the brain and heart to create reality itself.

Through my research and experimentation, I developed Flow State Technique (FST), a pioneering neuro-manifesting method that combines the most effective techniques from hypnotherapy, quantum jumping, energy psychology, and more. By understanding how the brain processes information, creates habits, and shapes our perception of reality, I realized that we hold the key to unlocking our full manifestation potential within our own neurology.

FST is more than just another manifestation technique – it's a holistic system for reprogramming the brain and aligning our thoughts, emotions, and actions with our deepest desires. By tapping into the power of neuroplasticity, we can literally rewire our brains for success, abundance, and joy. And by harnessing the principles of quantum jumping and energy psychology, we can transcend the limitations of our current reality and access the infinite possibilities that exist within the quantum field.

Through the development and refinement of FST, I've not only transformed my own life but have also had the privilege of guiding countless others on their journey of neuro-manifesting mastery. Witnessing the profound shifts and breakthroughs that occur when individuals harness the power of their own neurology and sacred heart, has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life.

So if you're ready to move beyond traditional manifestation methods and tap into the true power of your brain and heart to create your desired reality, I invite you to join me on this transformative journey. Through "A Liquid Plan," you'll learn the cutting-edge techniques and principles of FST, and you'll become part of a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are all committed to manifesting their dreams with ease and grace.

Together, let's unlock the full potential of neuro-manifesting and create a life beyond our wildest dreams. The power is within you – all you need is the key. 🧠🗝️✨

Oh, and when I'm not coaching neuro-manifesting, I'm pouring my heart into books. Five books, one best-seller, with another four on the way, because why stop at just one form of magic?

My mission? To help you tap into joy so pure and deep, it becomes the ink with which you write the story of your life—a story where passion dances with purpose, creating a legacy of fulfillment and a better world for us all.

I can't wait to meet you on this journey. If not now, then when? We begin very soon! 

The universe is calling your name, and ALL of the answers are already within you.

With lunar love and excitement,

Anahata Holly Hallowell
Your Liquid Lunar Coach

Creator of the Flow State Technique

Join Me!

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Two Step

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