$11.11 USD

12 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Out of Your Mind: Create with Your Heart

3-Month Immersive Journey

What you'll get:

  • Weekly Lesson Delivered LIVE by Anahata
  • Recordings to listen back
  • 12 Petals of the Heart Activations (codes, sutras, and alchemical exercises)

Please Understand: This is not a subscription, this is an installment. The total investment has been split up into 12 payments. By enrolling you agree that cancelling is not an option because you will pay the total tuition split up into 12 payments rather than all at once.

An email will be sent to you with links to unlock your offerings inside of my robust member center. There is even an app to make it easy to access, join, and track what you've done so far!

IMPORTANT: If you've already enrolled in the lifetime membership (Master Alchemist Course Series - www.MasterAlchemistCourse.com)  this series is INCLUDED. There is no need to sign up for this course, you already have access to it (simply login to your Kajabi).