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5-Day Manifestation Challenge

Want something? You must BE it to see it. Yeah, yeah... this is why we all go on quests to improve and fix ourselves. We may make some progress, but oftentimes find ourselves back where we started. Why?

The answer is simple: Identity.

Are you holding yourself apart from something because it's not here yet? Or do you achieve only to bounce back to old patterns? It's not because you aren't good enough, unworthy, don’t belong, aren't capable, insignificant, or need to be perfect, it's simply because it's not you yet.

Sounds like a catch 22... until you understand how to activate your Superconscious Template instantly and reverse and rewind any limiting pattern of the fractal you're creating called your life.

This can be done without spending years in therapy (which actually only validates your resistance), or hours per day in deep meditation (who has the time for that?).

The Superconscious Field is available instantaneously and there are limitless Assisting Frequencies that already hold the resonance required for you to be a match to your desires NOW. 

Not when you fix, or heal, or visualize, or reach. But now. 

Join Anahata Holly Hallowell for the 5-Day Manifestation Challenge called MEGA-MORPHOSIS.

During the 5-Day Challenge, she will show you how to:

  • truly be satisfied right now
  • to neutralize any pain you're having (emotional, physical, mental)
  • begin to Create from a place of SATISFACTION in order to collapse the wave function into reality
  • actuate other people's desires as a gateway to experience the same

When you register you'll be registered for 5 Days of powerful transformation. 

The Challenge happens live and in 48-hour replay. 

Neuroplasticity + Codes + Water = MEGA-MORPHOSIS

If there is one thing you do this year to Quantum leap into the future you've dreamed of, this is it.

You magnetized the answers for a reason - and in fact - already have all the answers. This Challenge will merely call you forward into your greatness.

Are you a Heartpreneur or just want to serve? If you take the challenge and enjoy it, you can get paid to share it. More details will be given during the Challenge.