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now and in the future! This series will continue to expand
inside the Alchemical.Academy over time.
You'll always unlock new courses for zero more tuition.
Once you're in, you're in!
Join LIVE or in replay. Access the materials and
replays in the robust member library and phone App.
All students who successfully complete the series will receive
a Master Alchemist Certificate of completion.
The Anahata Codes Masterclass
Any concern or desire, there's a code for that.

The Waterbending Masterclass Series
Your water as your wand.
Grid4Gaia Masterclass
A global initiative for planetary evolution.

Out of Your Mind Journey
Live a life you love through activating the 12 Petals of Your Sacred Heart.

The Frequency Wand
Quantum Applications using Terahertz Technology.

The Master Alchemist Course series is currently a 5-part series spanning more than 8-months of content. Designed to unlock your inner Alchemist so that you can become the Soul Author of your life.
How would it feel to transmute limitation, rewire, and reach your goals with the innate joy of the journey? Obstacles become optimization data, and you become successful in all areas of life.
Resonance Remembrance is the Art of Activating Assisting Frequencies and evolutionary DNA. We do this through a combination of Codes, programmed Water, Gridwork, and The Frequency Wand.
Note: The Frequency Wand is purchased separately. To purchase the Wand Only, click here.
To sign up for the Membership:
A message from your instructor,
Anahata Holly Hallowell
It is my passion and purpose to help us remember the power we have to fully live our vibrant lives.
Check out our growing community

Anahata walked me through pulling a code. It was perfect for me. My pain was already beginning to ease from a 7 to a 5. I fell asleep right away and when I awoke, I was at a 3. After a few more minutes, I was pain-free. Even the swollen nodes on my neck are gone. Can not begin to relay my gratitude.
- Chandra T.

...The result came out and he’s confirmed cancer free. It’s really the fact that this Anahata water is ALIVE and directly connected to the Source like nothing else. Again our gratitude to you Anahata. You don’t know what a tremendous gift you are to humanity.
- Carlos Del R.

I wasn't sure I believed in frequency codes (I had tried some Lloyd Mear numbers and not noticed anything), but a friend was studying to become a Certified Anahata Codes Practitioner, and offered me a session. I was blown away! The codes she chose for me and installed in that hour had immediate and lasting effects that I still notice today (and this was months ago now). The most significant change I noticed immediately once the first code was installed was an overall sense of being at peace internally. And the three issues I brought forward to work on have all improved vastly if not completely since then. This led me to take the Grid4Gaia masterclass and to do Anahata code work myself, which has been transformative. Each time I install a code for myself or anyone else I FEEL the shift in a notable way. This work has given me a meaningful way to affect change in the world and to help my friends, family, and others too. I am so incredibly grateful!
-Anonymous Grid4Gaia Student

I have tears in my eyes or just laugh out loud because the codes I choose not only give me a profound insight/solution into the situation but most of the time they indicate the source of the problem... My whole Being resonates with it and when I repeat the numbers (in nearly all cases) I immediately FEEL the strong energy/sweet shiver going through my Solar Plexus and the Hara Line... and I KNOW they are anchored and vibrant.
Thank you, thank you, thank you..you are a precious Gift to us All!"
- Mastery Student

"I can't believe all the work you have put into this! I have been a student and teacher of metaphysics for many years and have used many systems. I feel what you have here is pure gold.
- Masterclass Student

The possibilities this class opened up for healing our world are limitless."
-Anonymous Grid4Gaia Student
Frequently Asked Questions
When are the classes held each week?
When does the Master Alchemist Course series begin?
What's included?
How long do I have access to the Course and materials?
Do I have to purchase the Wand to take the classes?
What if I already have a Frequency Wand?
What if I just want to buy the Wand?
What if I live outside the United States and want to order a Wand?
Now is the time to remember what you came here to do. You're a Master Alchemist, remember?
Get access to all four masterclass series at 60% off the tuition if purchased separately.
Just want the Wand?
Order the Frequency Wand here if you heard about it from Anahata. If someone else introduced you to the Wand, please ask them for their order link. You can still take classes with Anahata if you buy the Wand through someone else.
Order The Frequency Wand